Every Marketer Should Be Tracking These 7 Video Metrics

30th September 2022

Video marketing is a powerful tool for getting your message out there and engaging potential customers. By tracking these seven video metrics, you can make sure that your video marketing campaigns are on track and hitting their objectives.

It is crucial to understand how consumers engage with and consume video content online, and video metrics are a key component of this knowledge.

Video analytics may assist in determining user interaction patterns, viewing trends, critical route mapping data (CMR), audience segmentation insights, and other things. 

Statistics on online video may also give insightful information regarding the return on investment (ROI) of publishers and the potential for development in the sector.

Vanity metrics such as views or time on page (ToP) frequently mask more useful information that might enhance the distribution strategy of a video or the product’s fit with the target market.

For instance, if viewers do not spend a significant amount of time on a particular piece of content compared to other videos that the same publisher or site owner distributes, then it may be worthwhile to investigate the reasons behind this phenomenon to prioritise future investments.

Read to know seven metrics that you should track.

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1. Completion rate

The video completion rate measures how many people watch a video all the way through.

This metric is important for video marketers because it helps them understand how engaging their videos are. 

If people are not watching a video all the way through, it may be because it is not interesting or relevant to them.

It has been proven that posts with video get significantly more views and engagement than those without.

In fact, one study by Marketing Charts showed that posts with videos received, on average, nearly double the number of social media interactions than those without.

This is because people are likely to watch a video all the way through than read an entire article. 

In other words, a high video completion rate is essential if you want your content to be seen by as many people as possible.

There are a number of ways to ensure that your videos have a high completion rate:

2. Reach

Reach in video metrics refers to the number of views a video has. Engagement rates measure how often people interact with a video, such as liking, sharing, or commenting on it.

How reach in video metrics works on YouTube

There are a few ways to measure the reach of your videos on YouTube.

One way is to look at the number of views, likes, shares and comments your video receives.

Another way is to use video metrics to see how long people are watching your video and how many of them have subscribed to your channel.

You can also use video metrics to see what parts of your video people watch most.

This information can help you improve your future videos by making them more interesting and engaging.

To see your video metrics, go to your YouTube channel and click on the “Analytics” tab.

Then, click on the “View full report” link under the “Reach” section.

Your video metrics will appear in a graph:

How to optimise your videos for higher reach in social media metrics

If you’re looking to optimise your videos for a higher reach in social media metrics, here are a few tips:

1. Use descriptive and keyword-rich titles: When it comes to videos, title optimisation is even more important than it is for written content. Include relevant keywords in your titles so that people can easily find your videos while searching for topics related to what you’ve covered.

2. Use attractive thumbnails: A good thumbnail can make a big difference in whether or not someone clicks on your video. Be sure to choose an image representative of the video content, which will stand out from the rest of the options in the search results.

3. Keep it short: People generally have shorter attention spans when watching videos than reading articles. As such, it’s important to keep your videos relatively short so that people don’t lose interest before getting to the meat of your message. You can use a user-friendly online video editor that comes with preloaded templates that help you mold your content into smaller chunks.

4. Promote your videos across all your social channels: To reach as many people as possible, be sure to share your videos on all your social media channels. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and any others you may be active on.

5. Use paid advertising to boost reach: Consider investing in paid advertising on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, as it will help you reach even more people with your content.

3. Average watch time

Average watch time is the average time viewers spend watching a video. 

This metric can be used to gauge how engaged viewers are with a video and how well the video holds their attention.

For example, a video with a high average watch time may indicate that viewers find it interesting and engaging.

Conversely, a video with a low average watch time might suggest that viewers found it dull or difficult to follow.

How to analyse your video content with average watch time

1. Look at the overall average watch time for your video content. This will give you an idea of how engaging your videos are overall.

2. Compare average watch time for different types of videos. This will help you understand which videos are most engaging for your audience.

3. Look at the completion rate for your videos. This will give you an idea of how many people watch your videos completely.

4. Compare average watch time across different platforms. This will help you understand where your audience is watching your videos and how they are consuming your content.

5. Use demographic data to segment your audience and analyse average watch time by different groups. This will help you understand which types of viewers are most engaged with your video content.

4. Click-through rate

Click-through rates are one of the most important metrics for gauging the success of an online video.

A high click-through rate means that viewers find your video interesting and are more likely to watch it all the way through.

A low click-through rate could indicate that your video is not engaging enough or that it is not relevant to your viewer’s needs.

Optimising your videos for click-through rates can help ensure that more viewers watch your videos all the way through, leading to more conversions and sales.

Here are a few tips to optimise your videos for click-through rates:

1. Keep your videos short and to the point. Viewers have short attention spans, so making sure your videos are concise and easy to understand is important.

2. Make sure your videos are high quality and offer valuable information. If your videos are poorly made or don’t offer any value, viewers will be less likely to watch them all the way through.

3. Use descriptive and keyword-rich titles. Your title should reflect the content in your video and contain keywords that viewers may be searching for. This will help ensure that your video comes up in search results and that viewers are more likely to click on it.

4. Use annotations and other interactivity features. Annotations allow you to add links to other videos or websites within your video, which can help keep viewers engaged and encourage them to click through to other content. Other interactivity features like quizzes or polls can also help increase viewer engagement and click-through rates.

5. Conversion Rates

Conversion rates are one of the most important metrics for gauging the success of an online video.

A high conversion rate means that viewers find your video interesting and are more likely to take the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.  

A low rate could indicate that your video is not engaging enough or that it is not relevant to your viewer’s needs.

A number of factors can influence conversion rates, such as the video’s length, the content’s quality, and the call to action.

Optimising your videos for conversion rates can help you ensure that more viewers take the desired action, leading to more sales and conversions.

6. Play rate

Play rate is another important metric for measuring the success of an online video. 

A high play rate indicates that viewers find your video interesting and are likely to watch it all the way through. 

A low play rate could indicate that your video is not engaging enough or that it is not relevant to your viewer’s needs.

7. Engagement rate

Engagement rate is another important metric for online video. This measures how engaged viewers are with your video and is a good indicator of how interested they are in your content.

A high engagement rate means that viewers watch your video all the way through and are more likely to take action after watching, such as clicking on a link or subscribing to your channel. 

A low engagement rate could indicate that your video is not interesting enough or that it is not relevant to your viewer’s needs.

There are a number of factors that can influence engagement rates, such as the length of the video, the quality of the content, and the title. 

Optimising your videos for engagement can help ensure that more viewers watch your videos all the way through and are more likely to take action after watching.

Are you better equipped to track your video metrics?

Video metrics are essential for understanding how viewers interact with and consume video content online. 

Metrics such as average watch time, conversion rates, and play rate can help you determine how well your videos are engaging and possibly help to drive conversions and sales.

Sanket Shah is the Founder and CEO of InVideo who initiated this startup with the view of encouraging the creation and use of videos in all sectors of business as well as private lives. Sanket’s dedication has led InVideo to serve millions of users from 190 countries across the world. His continuous encouragement to all video users and desire to make video making and editing accessible to everyone has contributed largely to the video production industry.