8 Data Enrichment Tools and Software to Increase ROI

Katie Rigby
28th September 2022

Generate better insights and make smarter decisions with data enrichment tools.

Data is a marketer’s best asset. 

Marketers are becoming ever more obsessed with data and the value it offers.

The statistics back it up. More than half (56%) of marketers use data to understand their target audience better.

While data helps you to understand your customers and their user experience throughout the purchasing journey, it can be a lot to handle manually. 

But that’s where data enrichment tools and platforms can help.

With data enrichment tools, you can get instant data on your highest quality leads and customers, including how they found your company and how they choose to interact with it. 

Don’t just take our word for it. Let’s take a look at some of the best tools on the market and how they can help improve your reporting. 

For this article, we’ll discuss: 

Pro Tip

Ruler Analytics does a great job of enriching your data on other platforms. It tracks every visitor touchpoint across the full customer journey and enriches your lead and opportunity data, allowing you to track where your highest-converting customers came from.

Everything you can discover in Ruler

What are data enrichment tools? 

First, what are data enrichment tools, and how do they work?

Data enrichment tools help clean, organise and improve your data. 

They take data from multiple sources and combine it to achieve a single, unified view of what is and isn’t working for your company. 

Related: How to get a single source of truth in marketing

The key objective of data enrichment tools is to help teams gain deeper insights into their performance and provide additional information to improve profitability. 

With data enrichment tools, companies can: 

What are the different types of data enrichment tools?

Many different tools can turn your data into real-time insights. When it comes to data enrichment tools, they are often distinguished into three main types:

Data Quality: Data is useless if it’s not correctly maintained and organised. With data quality tools, you can help ensure that your data is accurate and reliable enough to make big decisions. 

Data Integration: Companies today use an average of 37 different tools to run their day-to-day operations. With an increase of tools comes the increased problem of data sharing. Fortunately, data integration tools exist, allowing companies to combine various types and formats of data from multiple sources into one place.

Business intelligence: as it says on the tin, business intelligence tools use data to reveal trends and patterns that can be used to improve business operations.

What to look for in data enrichment tools?

There are many different data enrichment tools available. It can be hard to choose the right one that’ll work for you and your team. When choosing your tools, there are a few things you should look for:

1. Highly integrable and easy to implement

Probably the main thing to consider above all is the integration abilities. What’s the point of investing time, money and resources in a product that doesn’t work well alongside your existing tools? 

The whole point of a data enrichment tool is to make your data more useful by adding value. And to do that, it needs to pull data from other sources such as your analytics, CRM and subscription platforms. 

2. Scalable and maintainable

Data is going to keep growing in greater volumes. Big data growth statistics reveal that data creation will be over 180 zettabytes by 2025

With that in mind, one of the biggest factors you need to consider is scalability. As big data grows, so will the number of tools needed to house and maintain it. 

You’ll need to ensure that the solution you choose can grow and change with the rapid growth of data. 

3. Affordable with no hidden charges

The software must be affordable for your team or organisation. Otherwise, it’ll end up being a waste of time and money. And nobody wants that.

Most solutions will have a price plan based on a set of features. However, it’s not uncommon for some providers to charge additional fees for setting up your account, integrations and extra usage. 

Before you agree to sign, make sure you understand what you are paying for and at what cost.

What are the best data enrichment tools?

There is no one-size fits all tool for data enrichment. Each product has its own unique value and positioning in the market, despite having a lot of overlap in functionality. 

There are many types of tools for data enrichment, some more robust than others. Let’s take a look at some of these tools and discuss how they can help improve the quality of your data. 

1. Ruler Analytics

You didn’t expect us to write a blog on data enrichment tools and not talk about Ruler Analytics, right?

If you haven’t heard of Ruler, you will quickly see why it’s considered the gold standard for data enrichment. 

Ruler is a marketing attribution tool that centralises your data to reveal which tactics work best to convert leads into revenue.

It works by tracking each anonymous visitor individually. Ruler records how a user finds your site and tracks any subsequent visits or interactions with other marketing channels and campaigns.

Related: How to view full customer journeys with Ruler

When an anonymous visitor completes a conversion, whether that’s via form fill, phone call or live chat, Ruler will send all of the data it has captured about your lead to your CRM or sales tracking system. 

Each contact in your CRM is enriched with Ruler’s attribution data, allowing you to keep track of your leads as they move down the funnel.

Once a lead converts into a deal or sale, the customer’s data, such as the revenue amount and marketing touchpoints, is sent back to the Ruler database. 

This information is then attributed across the customer’s touchpoints, allowing you to see which marketing channels are having the greatest impact on your revenue metrics and goals.

Related: How Ruler attributes revenue to your marketing

Ruler also integrates with just about any tool and traffic source, enabling a flow of data and accurate reporting across your entire tech stack.

Pricing for Ruler starts at £199 a month, with plans based on features and the number of website visitors. You can save 20% by paying annually and there are special rates for agency partners.

Pro Tip

Want more information on Ruler and the services we offer? Book a demo to see Ruler in action and learn how it can help your data-driven decision-making and improve ROI.

Book a free demo of Ruler

2. Clearbit

Clearbit is a sales intelligence platform that enriches your tech stack with personal and company data. It scans numerous sources on the internet to help you gain a better understanding of your leads and customers. Clearbit integrates with your go-to tools to provide the data you need where you need it most.

Price plans are based on total ad spend, monthly web traffic and database size. You will need to contact Clearbit for a more accurate price, but you can expect to pay up to $999 monthly. 

3. Leadfeeder

Leadfeeder allows you to track what companies are visiting your website, even if those visitors never submitted a form or sent an email. It lets you see the specific pages that companies visited and what actions they took once they landed on your website.

You can also enrich leads in your CRM with Leadfeeder’s data to monitor which sites they’re visiting, allowing you to reach out to them with targeted sales and marketing campaigns. 

Pricing for Leadfeeder is quite simple. Leadfeeder offers two price packages: Lite or Premium. Lite is free and is a basic version of Leadfeeder with limited features. Premium starts at $79 but comes with a free trial, so you can test it before you buy.

4. LeadGenius

LeadGenius is a powerful data enrichment tool that helps businesses enhance data by making it cleaner and more useful. 

What makes LeadGenius stand out the most is that it uses machine learning and a global network of human researchers to help B2B sales and marketing teams scale and improve their outbound processes.

LeadGenius doesn’t have a pricing page or free plan. But you can expect to pay anywhere from $249/month. 

5. Openprise 

Openprise is a data enrichment tool for sales and marketing teams. It coordinates data from across the organisation and allows teams to identify the best leads for their B2B businesses. 

Key features of Openprise include data enrichment, cleansing and formatting data, normalising field values, and contact and account segmentation.

Pricing for Openprise starts at $48,000 a year for 500,000 records.

6. Uplead

Last but not least on our list is Uplead. For those who aren’t aware of Uplead, it’s a B2B lead generation tool that helps companies build quality lists. It provides marketing and sales teams with the high-quality data they need to market and sell more effectively. 

The good thing about Uplead is that your unused credits roll over each month. So you can easily keep some credits spare for the next month’s needs.

There are three pricing tiers for Uplead: Essential for $74 per month, Plus for $149 per month and Professional for $299 per month. Uplead also offers a free trial, so you can try it before you buy.

7. Zoominfo

Another worthy tool on this list is Zoominfo. If you haven’t heard of Zoominfo, it’s a data quality and management software that helps businesses capture, cleanse, dedupe, and enrich lead and CRM data on a centralised platform. 

The main goal of Zoominfo is to work with B2B companies to help them optimise their marketing automation and CRM tools for maximum performance.

Pricing for Zoominfo starts at $12,000 per year. There is a free trial, so you can try it out on your own before making any commitments. 

Is Ruler the data enrichment tool you’ve been looking for?

There you have it. 

We hope this list has helped save you time and hours of research.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to data enrichment tools.

What works for your team probably won’t work the same for another.

But if you’re looking for a tool to enrich your lead data in your CRM with attribution and revenue data, then Ruler is worth considering.

Ruler takes out the legwork by adding attribution and marketing data to all your leads and deals in the CRM, allowing you to focus on what matters most for your company. 

Another great thing about Ruler is that it can be used as a standalone product or in combination with other tools. This means you can view attribution data in the tools you love most. 

Don’t take our word for it. 

See how other businesses track ROI using Ruler’s attribution and data-driven insights. Or book a demo and see Ruler in action for yourself.

book demo - revenue attribution - www.ruleranalytics.com